For the Love of Turquoise

Turquoise and Sterling sSilver bracelet by Mary Caroline Garland

What is it about Turquoise?  It’s just magical.  I love it for its’ beauty,  and because it’s reminiscent of blue skies and crystal clear water.  When I went to New Mexico for a silversmithing workshop,  I traveled from Albuquerque to Taos all the while collecting beautiful Turquoise to be used in handcrafted sterling silver bespoke jewelry.

The stone in the bracelet is from the Lone Mountain Mine located in the southern part of Nevada.  One of the special characteristics of Lone Mountain Turquoise is that the color won’t change over time.  Lone Mountain is regarded  as good quality turquoise and is sought after by collectors.  Many of the pieces from this mine are darker, but I love how  the lighter shade looks beautiful alongside silver.

With this bracelet I aimed to created a contemporary piece with organic elements and a subtle Southwestern vibe.  I feel successful in this project.  This piece is already taken, but I’m always making something.  I invite you to sign up for my posts.